The Art of Iconoclast

Hello world! This is Jacob if you remember me from our Alpha Build post. Im one of the level designers on this project primarily responsible for levels two and three. This week marks one of the last times you'll hear from us before getting your hands on our final release. Our Gold Standard build should be coming this Wednesday if everything goes according to plan. Before we get there though I wanted to go over some of the design choices and level themes of our game so you had an idea of what to expect before getting your feet wet!

Lets start with Level One

Level One has you starting out in the servants quarters with no abilities. After breaking a tablet you are able to progress further into the level while avoiding guards, dashing over pits and even jumping over a furnace! While we aimed for this level to help introduce you to the controls and basic abilities you will still need to be careful of some of the hazards we've set up along the way that will set you back. Here's a snapshot!  

Level Two

Level Two is when things get a bit more interesting and intense. After ascending a set of stairs at the end of Level One you will emerge into the main palace and hallways. There are many rooms and routes that you can explore, as discussed by Ian in the previous post, as you try to get out of this palace and escape to freedom. A strong will and careful hand will be needed to survive here as the hallways are teeming with guards and long falls. To help you on your escape you will unlock the ability to crouch under low objects and make it into areas your normally wouldn't be able to access. After crossing many jumping puzzles and dizzying heights you'll make it to our final puzzle in Level Two!

Level Three

Level Three is your final obstacle to freedom. But be warned, this is also the most complex puzzle in the whole game. Level Three starts you in a lush garden full of hedges that you can hide behind. But also four massive stone pillars and your freedom dangling in front of you behind a massive gate. Those four gates are the key to opening it and it's up to you to figure out how. Pay attention to the fellow Orilla in the level as well! Who knows, one might just tell you where to look so you can activate the pillars in the correct order. But, from a dev to their community? I would advise you give the fountain a really good, long, look. 

After solving that final puzzle you'll be well on your way to freedom! For levels that's about all that lays in store for you but keep your wits about you. There are some things that still lay hidden for you to discover. That's all for now! To all our community, thank you very much for sticking with us. Wherever you are here's wishing you a good morning, good evening, and a very good night. 

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